Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dress to Impress Yourself

Today I bought a pair of pants that I love. I saw them and instantly knew they needed to be added into my wardrobe. I grabbed them and quickly went to the fitting room to try them on. The pants fit wonderfully and were so soft. They hugged my curves really well and the style was something that I didn't have in any of my other pants at home. The pants also had something else adding to them. A loud jungle print. I love a nice pattern, especially on a pair of nice pants, but these unsettled me a little bit. Did I really like the pants as much as I initially did? I thought about wearing these out of my house and the statement that they would make. These kind of pants do not come without a little bit of attention being drawn to them, like I said they are loud. I thought about lounging around in them at my house and didn't feel uncomfortable, I thought about hanging with my best friends and I knew they'd love and welcome the pants. I was unsure about maybe popping up to the grocery store or going to school in the pants. Why was I being so crazy about what other people thought of the way that I dressed? It is no one else's business what I wear. The pants fit me well, are super comfortable and are unique and fun. There was no good reason for me to not get the pants, so I did. I don't regret it for a second. I am currently writing this while wearing the pants and look at them and fall in love with them even more. Tonight I'm going to a Christmas party and I'm tempted to wear them. I don't want to be someone who never goes outsides the trends just because I'm scared of what others will think. I don't want my style to be put into a box by anyone, not even by me.

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