Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Wrinkle in Time?

Today I was a time traveler. In the morning I took the dreaded ACT and I mean it could have been worse. I've never been a math and science person so those parts just always throw me off. We'll have to wait 5-8 weeks for the scores so for now I am free.
The ACT leads into college, which leads to the future. I'm terrified of the future mostly because I have no idea what I want to do. (I actually do, but is just isn't possible at this moment) Like I said in my last post at this time in my life every action I do is in some way responsible for my future.  So from an action that could decide my college career, which could determine my future (yikes!)  I went home and ate some left over Chinese food.
I then met up with my two best friends, and we headed over to my grade school's picnic. The layout has not changed in the many years that I've been going, which has been a lot. The same emcee announces bingo and all the games over a loud speaker, parents play carnival games with their little kids, and kids old enough to walk around without their parents go from ride to ride until they feel dizzy or actually get sick and need to retreat to their family's tent to lounge. The high school kids only show up after it is dark, because you're lame if you show up before then. The night ends with fireworks in the park and people gather on the hillside to watch. It is the perfect end to a great day. While I was only there for short spurts throughout the day I was often overcome with nostalgia  of previous picnics and how much things had changed in my life. I used to spend all day at the picnic, from the parade early in the morning to the fireworks late at night. I always dreamed of asking my crush on the Ferris wheel but never did. My best friend and I dreamt of having our first kisses while the fire works went on around us. None of that happened but those aspirations add to the fond memories I feel whenever I think of the school picnic. It reminds me of a time when I really didn't have anything to worry about, other than not puking after riding the Sizzler 5 times in a row.
I felt at home at the picnic today, but a home that I had outgrown. I talked to my 7th & 8th grade English teacher and talked to her about taking the ACT that morning and how strange it is that this is my life now. I am almost an adult and though I look back on my grade school days fondly they're only memories. As stressed as I am now I need to think that in a couple years I'll be wishing I was back in high-school.

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